What is Streamow?
Streamow is a wrapper for gaming clips. With Streamow, you can easily check the most popular gaming clips or the ones which are playing your favorite game. And so, you may receive notifications whenever you are, so you may never lose when your favorite streamer is online.
How can I create an account?
To create an account, just simply press "Register" button on the top screen to the right of the application and fill the form with required information
How can I watch to streams?
To watch a clip, just select a streamer from one of the following sources when logged to the application:
- Any list from your personal catalog
- Your following list
- The search bar on top header menu
How can I find streamers or games?
To find streamers or games, you need to be logged on the application and just type the name of the streamer / game at the search bar on the top header menu
How can I view all clips from a specific game?
Once you are logged, you may open a game page from any of the following sources:
- Any list from your personal catalog
- From the game current been played at a streamer page
- The search bar on top header menu
How do I follow / unfollow a streamer?
To follow or unfollow a streamer, you must be logged to the application and open a streamer page from any source. Then, you shall press the "follow" button if you does not follow the streamer, and "unfollow" otherwise.
How do I like / dislike a game?
To like or dislike a game, you must be logged to the application and open a game page from any source. Then, you shall press the "like" button if you does not like the game, and "dislike" otherwise.
This will enable or disable a list of the liked / disliked game at your personal catalog.